-Our testing is not exhaustive and does not cover heavy metals, specific minerals, pesticides, or organic chemicals.
-The EPA recommends the testing of well water at least once per year.

The water quality analysis that we perform is a reliable method of determining the safety of your well or spring water . The test we perform is approved by the State of Tennesee for both public and private drinking water systems. This test is also typically an approved requirement for those who need a water test performed by a third party for their lender to secure a home loan or refinance a home loan.
Our testing includes the following:
- Bacteriological
This test is a presence/absence test for Coliform bacteria. Coliform is an indicator bacteria, which means that if it is present in drinking water then that could indicate that other disease causing organisms are also present. If the presence of Coliform is detected, then the sample is analyzed to determine if E. Coli is present as well. This test is the standard by which public utilities determine the safety of drinking water. If the presence of Coliform is not detected, then the sample is considered to be free of pathogenic organisms and safe to drink.
- Requires 18-24 hours to determine results
- Requires the use of a laboratory certified by the State of Tennessee
It is the homeowner’s responsibility to determine the safety of their water for all of those that may drink it.
Find peace of mind about the quality of your water, Contact Me now to schedule your Water Quality Analysis.